Manor Estates

Reactive maintenance and repairs
We have officially commenced with the provision of reactive maintenance and repairs for Manor Estates in 2013. We have provided pre-paint repairs and decoration services to Manor Estates since 2010.
As part of our service with Manor Estates, we provide repairs and maintenance as and when they are needed. However, we formalised our repair service with Manor Estates in 2013.
As part of this contract, we also provide services for joinery, plumbing and electrical maintenance as well as pre-paint repairs and internal redecoration, including void properties.
Manor Estates also benefit from our innovative impact reporting suite, as well as dedicated field operatives, planning staff and administrative staff. This suite also provides detailed reports which are relayed to Manor Estates during regular communications meetings to discuss progress.
All field operatives are provided with PDAs and phones which deliver live updates on their daily job schedule and alerts for emergency call-outs. Our dedicated planning team are available to provide support and relay information to field operatives as well as communicate with residents and Manor Estates regarding call outs and reacting to emergencies.