Barrett Gardens & Woodhead Road – Property Refurbishment
Large scale planned property maintenance and refurbishment works of bungalow properties in the Stoke-on-Trent area for our client Unitas.
The project is a Planned Maintenance refurbishment works. It is the refurb of bungalows in the Stoke area and the works involved include full reroofing, chimney rebuilds / repairs and repointing, full repointing to the properties, replacement of fascia, soffits, building uPVC and rainwater goods. We have replaced double glazed windows and property doors to composite doors. The properties have had the front façade of the properties replaced with a new partitions and replacement windows and doors, include the internal making good and decoration works to the façades. Properties have had level access ramps and also steps installed and existing redecorated including handrails and window planter boxes.
Unitas are a key client for the Office and their specification and requirements to workmanship and H & S are very high, therefore the whole team has had to step up and work to ensure we are at the required high standards.
The programme has been affected as many have due to the Covid-19 situation and more recently the Lockdown 3 which has led to Unitas putting the internal works on hold, to be carried out later in the programme when the government restrictions are eased.
Full reroofing, chimney rebuilds and repairs, chimney repointing, full repointing to the properties replacement of building uPVC plastics and RWG, window and door replacements, forming level access ramps and steps to the properties, decoration to handrails and window planet boxes.
Additional works may required due to existing property conditions, replacement / installation of sister rafters, replacement of roofing materials / tiles due to damage and age, brickwork repairs to gable apex’s.
St, Michael’s Church has had some decoration works carried out as part of Social Value
Yes, we have worked with Unitas for the past two years.