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Novus steps up with health and safety roadshow

We recently delivered a hard-hitting health and safety roadshow to more than 1,000 members of staff.
Over the course of two days in January, our directors, regional managers and Health and Safety department delivered the roadshow which focussed on “Working at Height” – something that poses a very real risk to its site operatives day-to-day. Held at eight separate locations across the country, the roadshow was open to all of our operational teams, strategic subcontractors, and self-employed operatives.
Teaming up with Paul Blanchard, a tradesman who tragically fell from a roof in July 2010 and is now paralysed from the chest down, the roadshow was designed to be hard-hitting to highlight the dangers of working at height. Paul spoke candidly about his serious injuries and the effect of the accident on himself and his family, giving attendees at each event plenty to consider.
Director, Alan Nixon commented: “We carry out over four million hours of activity on site each year and to some extent accidents are inevitable, but at Novus we make great efforts to give our employees the training, support, and control measures needed to eliminate risk in the workplace. This campaign hammers home the importance of each and every one of us taking personal responsibility for safety excellence.”
The roadshow is just one of a number of health and safety initiatives being rolled out during 2017 as part of our ongoing Target Zero Initiative, which encourages site staff to report any health and safety issues they see immediately, and demonstrates the emphasis it continues to put on health and safety.