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We have implemented a dedicated strategy aimed at increasing our inclusivity – with a new menopause policy and an enhanced Family Friendly policy, plus initiatives aimed at reducing inequalities for operations staff.
Novus’ recently launched Menopause Policy will ensure that those experiencing perimenopausal, menopausal, and post-menopausal symptoms are given additional support and flexibility. The enhanced Family Friendly Policy provides enhanced benefits for maternity, paternity and adoption leave, and the enhancements made regarding health and wellbeing have opened up Flexible Benefits for all colleagues regardless of role.
What’s more, thanks to the work of the Women in Novus network – which brings together female staff and allies from across every strata of the business to raise women’s profile and work together to create change – we are committed to ensuring that every one of our live sites has adequate sanitary disposal bins in toilets, and that clothing and PPE are suitable for both men and women, including pregnant people. The advancements being made as part of the WiN network’s creation tie in to our over-arching four-point plan to be a more Inclusive employer with specific actions put in place around the WiN network, Increased Belonging, introduction of an Everyone Strategy plus a complete Pay and Benefits review.
These policies are in addition to our comprehensive Inclusion Policy, launched in July 2021, that covers areas including management responsibilities, colleague responsibilities and formalising expectations regarding ensuring equality, mental health support, and rights for disabled employees. Employee feedback and suggestions have been at the heart of our drive for greater inclusivity, and the business has set a target to increase their ‘Belonging’ levels, part of regular Engagement surveys, by at least 5% in the coming year.
Looking forward, the next step for the business will be the launch of their Everyone Strategy, which will aim to reduce the Gender Pay Gap, increase diversity in roles at leadership levels and increase belonging levels within Novus.
Lee Hartley, our Executive Director and Board Sponsor for Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion, said:
“Last year, we set ourselves the challenge of fully embodying Novus’ position as a 21st century employer: this included growth and development targets, but also placed a great emphasis on making our workplaces forward-thinking, inclusive, and supportive environments.
That means creating an environment where colleagues feel welcome and understood whatever their gender, race, sexuality, or age, and we have worked hard to raise awareness of these issues, implement policies in recognition of the specific needs of specific groups, and take direct action to support charities that promote inclusivity and help our lower represented groups.”