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We are delighted to have achieved the Business in the Community (BITC) Responsible Business Tracker Mark which acknowledges our commitments to doing business in a responsible and sustainable manner.
What is the Responsible Business Tracker Mark?
The Responsible Business Tracker® (the Tracker) is Business in the Community’s (BITC) scored measurement tool. It is linked to our Responsible Business Map which is underpinned by the United Nations (UN) Global Goals, also known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It demonstrates, to our stakeholders in a highly visible way, that we care about doing business in a responsible and sustainable manner.
As a self-assessment survey tool, the Tracker enables detailed understanding of our business’ responsible business performance. The Tracker recognises best practice and helps us to improve by offering gap analysis, benchmarking against sector peers and the overall cohort. Through a scoring mechanism, it recognises leading practice, improvement and innovation. It identifies areas of strength where companies can provide leadership to others and is a route to recognition through BITC’s celebrations of best practice.
How does this benefit Novus and our clients?
The tracker brings visibility to our customers, colleagues and the wider community of the work we’re doing to be a responsible and more sustainable business. It also provides us with qualitative insights and quantitative scores to make further improvements to our business. Areas of best practice highlighted through the bench marking included; Novus has a leading approach to Purpose & Values, Supply Chain, Equality and Diversity, Health & Wellbeing, Inclusive Employment & Good Work, Climate Action and Nature Stewardship. Being responsible is not only a moral obligation but also a necessity for businesses, Novus are proud to be a responsible business that is committed to ethical and sustainable practices, we believe this leads to a stronger, more diverse, and financially secure business.
Our Head of Social Vale and Client/Customer Care (and a BITC Regional Leadership Board member), Kevin Rhone commented:
“We are committed to being a Responsible and Sustainable Business, and are proud to have achieved the BITC Responsible Business Tracker Mark again for 2024.”
“We continue to track our progress through benchmarking against other businesses within the industry, building on previous years submissions doubling our overall score. This is evidence of the progress, importance and commitment we have placed on areas such our values, being a good employer, being environmentally friendly and giving back to the communities we work in. As an active member of the BITC we are committed to continuous improvement within Novus.”
Right to Left: James Dewsbury – Site Supervisor, Stacey Percival – KPI & Performance Manager, Helen Oakey – Shareholder, Rebekah Cliff – SHEA Apprentice who all took part in a recent 20+ Employee Volunteer Challenge to improve a Community Project in Stoke on Trent as part of our ongoing commitment to being a responsible business.