Novus Blog

Earlier this year Novus completed roofing works on behalf of Wrexham County Borough Council at Cambrian Place Sheltered Accommodation and 12 adjacent bungalows.
While delivering works, we noticed that the grounds looked neglected and overgrown. Joining forces with our sub contractor Kato Group, the Wrexham County Borough Council gardening team, and a few green fingered residents, we decided to give the grounds some much needed TLC.
After two days of hard work the grounds were transformed. The main flower bed and a small low-level bed to the front of the main entrance were cleared before laying a thin membrane (to supress weeds), soil and a final layer of decorative stone on top.
An additional low-level bed located beneath residents’ windows was full of overgrown brushes which were blocking light into rooms. It was decided to clear this area and cover it with decorative stones to match the main flower beds. Residents can now plant smaller flowers which will not obstruct any daylight to their windows.
When clearing the beds, a number of existing plants were kept and will be used to populate the new ones – although not enough to cover the entire space. With this in mind, Novus is thrilled to have donated £300 worth of vouchers to help The Warden and residents purchase their choice of flowers and shrubs.
Everyone at the scheme is delighted with the transformation, and we’re looking forward to seeing the flower beds in full bloom in the spring and summer months.
A resident commented:
“Thank you so much, it looks gorgeous and is so much easier to maintain. Everyone has worked really hard, and we are delighted.”

Celebrating our colleagues at the Novus Awards
We had a fantastic year in 2024, from a series of exciting contract wins and project completions to social value initiatives and working with our charity partners. None of this would have been possible without our fantastic colleagues, clients and supply chain partners, which is why we recently celebrated them all at the annual Novus Awards.