Novus Blog

On the 1st and 2nd of August we rallied round to support long-standing client Riverside with a community project in memorial of Karen Lewis, Riverside’s Head of Business Management, who sadly passed away after a short but brave battle with cancer.
Karen was a much beloved member of the Riverside team, always championing the customer experience and never afraid to challenge conventional thinking. She loved both learning from other organisations and sharing her knowledge and experience with others, as well as being a wonderful ambassador for Riverside.
As a tribute to Karen, who was an active member of the Christ Church Higher Bebington congregation, Riverside asked their suppliers and key contacts to join them in a community volunteering day to revitalise the church and adjoining cemetery. Willing as ever to support projects close to their hearts, we gladly provided catering and pizza lunches for the teams carrying out the works. With a number of volunteers on site across both days, the project was completed to the highest standards, with everyone involved putting their hearts into the task.
Upon completion of the renovation, Riverside and community members captured a short video explaining just what the project meant to them.

Celebrating our colleagues at the Novus Awards
We had a fantastic year in 2024, from a series of exciting contract wins and project completions to social value initiatives and working with our charity partners. None of this would have been possible without our fantastic colleagues, clients and supply chain partners, which is why we recently celebrated them all at the annual Novus Awards.